Chickens eat almost anything, but not everything. When looking for a tasty chicken treat, one of the main rules is to ask if it can be sourced naturally. They don't usually find popcorn in their natural habitat. So the question of whether chickens can eat popcorn is understandable.

Popcorn is safe for chickens to eat. The treat itself does not contain any harmful ingredients.

Can Chickens Eat the Popcorn Kernels?​

Answering this question is a bit more challenging. When it comes to the kernels, not all chicken handlers think the same. There are those who would tell you that it's safe, while there are those who would advise you to stay away. My answer is that it depends!

The texture of kernels is one of the concerns. Many people think your chickens won't be able to digest it since it's too hard. Some people consider it a choking hazard.

It's wise to observe your chickens when feeding them kernels. To help break it down, you might want to add more grit.

Can Chicks Eat Popcorn?​

In general, chicks can eat what the adults can. We must, of course, take into account their size. If we want to give them treats, we would have to be a little more cautious.

You should only give plain popcorn to the chicks if you decide to do so. Kernels should also be avoided. Their digestive system has not developed fully yet, so they may have difficulties digesting it. There is also a possibility of choking.

Don't forget to feed them only a few bites at a time. At least until the 6th week, your chicks should be fed mostly starter feed. They can be given more treats once they are more mature.

Do Chickens Like Popcorn?​

Popcorn is safe for chickens, but is that enough to make them eat it? Popcorn is generally liked by chickens. While it isn't high on the list, it is there nonetheless.

Chickens still have their own preferences, so keep that in mind. Popcorn might be a favorite of one chicken, while it might be unappealing to another. Try giving your chickens a few bits of popcorn to see if they like it. You'll know it's a winner if they devour it in seconds.

Is Popcorn Healthy for Chickens?​

You will find that popcorn does not contain a lot of bad ingredients when you look at its components. There is very little sugar or salt in it. Also, you will notice that it does not provide all the nutrients that chickens need.

Some nutrients contained in popcorn include:
  • Protein
  • Fiber
  • Vitamin B-6
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin K
  • Manganese
  • Iron
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorus
  • Zinc
  • Folate

There is no doubt that popcorn isn't the healthiest food on the list, but it is also not the worst.

That being said, chickens shouldn't eat popcorn as a staple food. You can still give your chickens popcorn, however. It would be a wonderful treat! As long as it is consumed in moderation, it won't cause any problems.

Popcorn That is Unhealthy​

Perhaps now would be a good time to emphasize we have been talking about plain popcorn so far. Totally plain popcorn, no seasoning.

In spite of the fact that it may taste good, you should avoid flavored popcorn. You are welcome to have it, not your chickens.

It is not healthy for your chickens to eat flavored popcorn, as it contains extra ingredients. Salted popcorn, for instance, contains more salt. Conversely, sweetened popcorn contains more sugar.

Having a few is technically okay for your chickens, but keep in mind that it isn't healthy for them. For the chicks, we don't recommend doing this. Adults might get away with it, but we don't recommend giving them to chicks

Keep your distance from chocolate popcorn if you come across it! You should not feed chocolate to your chickens. Treating them to this is one of the worst things you can do.

Purpose of Giving Popcorn to Chickens​

It has already been mentioned that popcorn isn't the healthiest treat. You may think a food option is unhealthy if it does not offer much nutrition. That makes sense. However, I still believe the popcorn is a treat to consider despite everything.

Often, handlers offer treats for more reasons than just nutritional value. The feed you give your chickens probably contains everything they need for health.

In order to keep their chickens entertained, some handlers always seek out new treats. There is nothing better for that than popcorn. A few can be scattered around the run or offered in a bowl. Popcorn can be used in a variety of ways.

Alternatively, if you have some new chickens, popcorn could help you bond with them. Popcorn is more of a fun snack than nutritious food.

Why Keep Chickens Entertained?​

As mentioned above, popcorn is good entertainment for chickens. In a bit, you'll see that entertaining chickens isn't just for fun. When a chicken is bored or stressed, it poses more problems than you might expect.

When it comes to stress and boredom, there are two things to consider at the first stage. Noise would be the first. Secondly, your chickens will produce fewer eggs. Chickens can be vocal when they are unhappy. Egg production would also be difficult.

You might not have a problem with that. There are some who can handle noise, and there are others who don't need so many eggs. Unfortunately, that is not the end of it.

Stress can lead to much worse things, such as fights, feather plucking, deaths, and cannibalism.

Boredom and stress don't immediately set in for chickens. It's a smart idea to give them treats when you begin to see signs of distress. When you are investigating what is stressing them, you can keep them busy with some treats.

Stress causes in chickens​

In light of the fact that we are already talking about chicken stress, let's look at some of its causes.
  • Heat - Chickens could be stressed by heat. During the hot season, keep them well hydrated and shaded.
  • Space - Lack of space for chickens can lead to them getting bored or stressed. This article discusses chickens and space in more detail.
  • Predators - The biggest stressor for chickens is predators and predator attacks. It's easy to imagine why that would be the case.

Almost always, treats are a good idea for calming them down when they are stressed by certain factors.


Chickens can eat popcorn, right? In a nutshell, yes, if the popped popcorn is the only thing we're discussing!

When it comes to kernels, there are a few things to keep in mind. The kernels can pose a choking hazard, so some handlers avoid them. You may also find that your chickens have a hard time digesting them because they are hard.

It would be a smart idea to observe your chickens if you ever decide to feed them the kernels. It might also be helpful to give them a little extra grit.

Chicks shouldn't be given kernels, however. They do not yet have a fully developed digestive system.

The amount of sugar and salt in popcorn is not that high. But it also contains very little nutritional value for chickens. Moderation is key when it comes to popcorn. Chickens cannot eat it as part of their staple diet, but it could be a pleasant treat!

So, do you feed your chickens popcorn? Share your experiences below.