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  1. Chicken poppy

    Grieving animal support group

    When a animal passes, its one of the worst feelings in the world. Someone you knew so dearly, that stayed with you through even the roughest of times. This group was made not to be sad, but to help each other get through the passing of animals, and to always remember ones who have passed. If...
  2. Chicken poppy

    Egglaying question

    For about a week or longer, (not a new layer) she has gone to lay an egg, does an egg song, but no egg comes out. What does this mean?? Does she need more calcium?
  3. Chicken poppy

    REALLY aggressive broody hen

    How do i deal with an overly aggressive broody hen? I get they are protective, and protect their eggs/babies, but she attacks me for no reason whatsoever, all day long. She’ll just come up to us and bite hard on the feet, sometimes chasing. I don’t get it, nothing seems to be working and she...
  4. Chicken poppy

    The crowing FEMALE sebright

    I have a crowing silver Sebright (5 mo) that crows. I have had countless of people tell me its a female, so thats whats interesting. Something i notice is that this one has had a huge crowing gap. Whenever i have had roosters (ive had quite a few.) once they start crowing, there are sometimes...
  5. Chicken poppy

    baby chick hobbling, limping, wing out!

    I need some help ASAP. Im working on posting a video and i’ll post it here soon! A little background: These chicks are no older then a week old, if even that. I need some help because i just noticed one of the chicks walking extremely weird. It seems to be acting perfectly fine, and i haven’t...
  6. Chicken poppy

    How to treat mites/lites?

    Hello. My chicken has either mites or lice. Her comb is smaller and pale (1 & a 1/2 years old) and her feathers are ragged. Shes all lethargic and depressed and hasn’t laid an egg in a few months. She has either lice or mites, i think its lice. How should i begin treating this? I have lime and...
  7. Chicken poppy

    Odd behavior, pale small comb.

    So i’ll start this off by saying Darling has been acting weird for a while now. Shes a female, serama, 1 1/2 or so years old. I see nothing visually wrong with her other then her behavior and her comb. I looked around for a minute for more visual problems, and saw nothing. Even in her mouth, i...
  8. Chicken poppy

    TICK on chicken!

    Hi all. I was holding Darling (1 1/2 yo serama) who NEVER leaves the gated area of the yard, and i found a tick on her comb. It was extremely tiny. So sorry for the awful quality picture, but its microscopic! In need of some suggestions. My big ones roam the yard far out where ticks probably are.
  9. Chicken poppy

    Serama not laying!

    Hello all. My Serama (Darling) has stopped laying eggs for a very long while now. Almost over 1 month. Its been so long! Shes only a year and a half old, so she shouldn’t be not laying eggs, right? As well as this: she looks quite strange. Someone said she looks to have a frizzle gene. It would...
  10. Chicken poppy

    Black capped chickadee egg! SO tiny.

    Well folks, i have made an accomplishment that i have been wanting to accomplish for a VERY long while now. As some might know, a teeny tiny black capped chickadee had her eggs in a birdhouse in my yard! Quite fun watching them grow. After a while, once they all had fledged.. I saw something...
  11. Chicken poppy

    Chipmunk + squrriel?

    Today, i saw a funky looking squrriel in a tree eating a nut. I got a closer look, a few feet away, and it looked like a MASSIVE chipmunk! Im thinking its a ground squirrel, but it ran up the tree. And i don’t think ground squirrels would do that? Anyway, of course. I wasn’t able to snap a...
  12. Chicken poppy

    More broody questions

    Hi! Yeah. Okay. This is my last thread on broodies i PROMISE. I always loose the old broody threads and forget i had old ones, but i’ll stop after this, promise! Anyway. I have some questions: 1. Complicated and long, stay with me: She has been broody 1 day longer than the eggs (we got the...
  13. Chicken poppy

    Angry diva chicken!

    My chicken Emily, is quire funny when she gets mad. So when she gets mad, you can tell. She gets BRIGHT red, like a tomato. When she calms down, she gets pale again. The strange part is, when she gets REALLY angry, she thumps her feet! Like a rabbit. She pecked another chicken, and when i tried...
  14. Chicken poppy

    The BEST true bantam chicken breed

    Teeny tiny chickens, whats the best breed in your opinion? And why?
  15. Chicken poppy

    The great Em. Em land!

    This is a little something i would like people who aren’t fond of bantam Cochins or chickens. First off, if anyone is here reading this and doesn’t like chickens. Who are you and why are you on this website? I know a few people just don’t know who Em is, (what?! :th) or don’t like bantam...
  16. Chicken poppy

    baby bird! 16 feet drop!

    Please help me! What do i do? My dad found a baby bird with about a 16 feet drop on concrete! I fed him some dried mealworms and did the best i could at making him a little nest, what do i do? It was not my idea to bring him home. My dad brought him and couldn’t reach to the nest to put him...
  17. Chicken poppy

    Broody chicken, 0 poop?

    My broody chicken has been broody for 4 days now i think? 6 really small eggs under her. I heard broody poop has a rather repulsive smell, and looks like some flattened water balloon pancake or whatnot. Anyway, my chicken is broody in the basement. Yes, basement. Before anyone judges me here...
  18. Chicken poppy

    Runny chicken poop

    My chicken Emily (bantam cochin) has been having some really runny poop recently. She did have worms, and got treated for it. I might have seen some white lines but nothing moving. It is decently hot here, and none of my other chickens have runny poop like hers. Im talking water. It bubbles...
  19. Chicken poppy

    Gender of 3 month Silver Sebright?

    Hello! I got this Silver Sebright thats 3-4 months old, recently. And was told it was a pullet. It was sold with a Japanese bantam around the same age, and their personality is very different, and im thinking the sebright is a cockerel instead. Im very sorry for the awful images, and i will...
  20. Chicken poppy

    Extreme “wry” tail?

    Hello! Yesterday i got a Japanese pullet and a sebright pullet. The sebright is active, very, very skittish, and EXTREMELY talkative. The Japanese, however, is none of those. Shes a lot more stand off. I have heard of wry tail in chickens where the tail is crooked. However, hers is not crooked...
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